
nose job or Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) commonly known as a nose job, is a plastic surgery procedure for correcting and reconstructing the nose. There are two types of plastic surgery used – reconstructive surgery that restores the form and functions of the nose and cosmetic surgery that improves the appearance of the nose. Reconstructive surgery seeks to resolve nasal injuries caused by various traumas including blunt, and penetrating trauma and trauma caused by blast injury. Reconstructive surgery also treats birth defects, breathing problems, and failed primary Rhinoplasties. Most patients ask to remove a bump, narrow nostril width, change the angle between the nose and the mouth, as well as correct injuries, birth defects, or other problems that affect breathing, such as deviated nasal septum or a sinus condition.

In closed Rhinoplasty and open Rhinoplasty surgeries – an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist), an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (jaw, face, and neck specialist), or a plastic surgeon creates a functional, aesthetic, and facially proportionate nose by separating the nasal skin and the soft tissues from the nasal framework, correcting them as required for form and function, suturing the incisions, using tissue glue and applying either a package or a stent, or both, to immobilize the corrected nose to ensure the proper healing of the surgical incision.

The motivation for Rhinoplasty may be to change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing or both. People get Rhinoplasty to repair their nose after an injury, to correct breathing problems or a birth defect, or because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose.

Possible changes that your surgeon can make to your nose through Rhinoplasty include:

a change in size

a change in angle

straightening of the bridge

reshaping of the tip

narrowing of the nostrils

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

After surgery, your doctor may place a plastic or metal splint on your nose. The splint will help your nose retain its new shape while it heals. They may also place nasal packs or splints inside your nostrils to stabilize your septum, which is the part of your nose between your nostrils.

You’ll be monitored in a recovery room for at least a few hours after surgery. If everything is okay, you’ll leave later that day. You’ll need someone to drive you home because the anesthesia will still affect you. If it’s a complicated procedure, you might have to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

To reduce bleeding and swelling, you’ll want to rest with your head elevated above your chest. If your nose is swollen or packed with cotton, you might feel congested. People are usually required to leave splints and dressings in place for up to a week after surgery. You might have absorbable stitches, meaning they’ll dissolve and won’t require removal. If the stitches aren’t absorbable, you’ll need to see your doctor again a week after surgery to get the stitches taken out.

Memory lapses, impaired judgment, and slow reaction time are common effects of the medications used for surgery. If possible, have a friend or relative stay with you the first night.

For a few days after your surgery, you might experience drainage and bleeding. A drip pad, which is a piece of gauze taped below your nose, can absorb blood and mucus. Your doctor will tell you how often to change your drip pad.

You might get headaches, your face will feel puffy, and your doctor might prescribe pain medication.

Your doctor may tell you to avoid the following for a few weeks after your surgery:

running and other strenuous physical activities


blowing your nose

excessive chewing

laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that require lots of movement

pulling clothing over your head

resting eyeglasses on your nose

vigorous tooth brushing

Be especially careful about sun exposure. Too much could permanently discolor the skin around your nose.

You should be able to return to work or school in a week.

Rhinoplasty can affect the area around your eyes, and you might have temporary numbness, swelling, or discoloration around your eyelids for a few weeks. In rare cases, this can last for six months, and slight swelling could persist even longer. You can apply cold compresses or ice packs to decrease discoloration and swelling.

Follow-up care is important after Rhinoplasty. Be sure to keep your appointments and follow your doctor’s instructions.

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